Anggo, Muhammad2013-07-262013-07-262013-07-26 on data from the Cancer Registration Center of Indonesian Phatologist Doctors Association, breast cancer is the highest incidence of cancer in women with a percentage of 15.67%. Immunohistochemistry test is important in breast cancer as a predictive and prognostic factor. This test also becomes the basis for the classification of molecular subtypes of breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to determine the immunohistochemical profile in patients with breast cancer at the Arifin Achmad Hospital. It was a descriptive retrospective study using secondary data of breast cancer patients from Arifin Achmad Hospital in January 2010 - December 2011 period. Results obtained were 58 cases. Most of the breast cancer patients were in the age range of 40-49 years (41.38%). The hormonal status test results was mostly found in category of double negative or ER (-) and PR (-) (43.10%). HER-2 test results showed that the majority of patients had HER-2 negative (72.41%). Histopathological gradation was in grade III (50%). The most often stage found at stage III (46,6%). Dominant molecular classification of breast cancer was luminal A (43.10%%).otherBreast cancerERPRHER-2Immunohistochemistry profilePROFIL IMUNOHISTOKIMIA PASIEN KANKER PAYUDARA DI BAGIAN PATOLOGI ANATOMI RUMAH SAKIT UMUM DAERAH ARIFIN ACHMAD PEKANBARU PERIODE JANUARI 2010 – DESEMBER 2011