Tato’ Alik, Agustinus2013-07-232013-07-232013-07-23sumarnihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/4624This research was carried out to evaluate consumer acceptance of tilapia abon fortified with white oyster mushroom. Tilapia weighing 400-600 g each was taken from a fish market in Pekanbaru. Four types of fish abons were prepared from the fish meat which was fortified with white oyster mushroom 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75% of the fish weight. The fish abons were evaluated for consumer acceptance by 80 panelist. The results indicated that the fish abons fortified with 25% white oyster mushroom was the most acceptable by consumer. Moisture, protein, fat, and crude fiber of the fish abon was: 5.83%, 33.79%, 29.03%, and 1.49% respectively.otherTilapia abonOreochromis niloticusPleurotus ostreatusfortificationconsumer acceptancechemical compositionA STUDY ON CONSUMER ACCEPTANCE OF TILAPIA ABON (Oreochromis niloticus) WITH THE ADDITION WHITE OYSTER MUSHROOM (Pleurotus ostreatus)student Paper Post Degree