Wahyuni, SriAlwinda Yosi2013-02-112013-02-112013-02-11rio andikahttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/2050Many schools in a large city located on the edge of the highway, with many vehicles are driving at high speed. In these circumstances it is very dangerous for school children. In response, the government implemented a program like Safety School Zone to anticipate the movement of school children who are spontaneous and unpredictable and trigger traffic accidents. The approach taken with analyze the effectiveness ZoSS, by the research at five public elementary school in Pekanbaru ZoSS already installed. The analysis was done by observing pedestrian behavior, the behavior of the introduction, the speed of a passing vehicle in ZoSS, the volume of vehicles, and the condition of complete facilities ZoSS then analyzed with reference to the guidelines issued by Safety School Zone General Directorate of Land Transportation Decree No. 3236/AJ403/DRJD/2006 and MKJI 1997. The results showed that the complete facilities ZoSS with vary in dimension, signs, and markings, some facilities are installed ZoSS different guidelines. The instantaneous speed, average speed and location of vehicles before ZoSS relatively lower speed, but larger than the maximum speed limit (20 km/h) which allowed the average speed in ZoSS for motorcycles is 32,19 km/h and light vehicles is 26,74 km/h, so it has not been effective. For the characteristics of pedestrian behavior on average 64,57% of the students had positive attitude and behavior of 78,78% introductory students have positive attitude, but it is not effective because there are not positive or do not behave in accordance with the guidelines ZoSS. For questionnaires on average 65,14% of respondents said mounting ZoSS less effective. For the level of service is still steady flow category (V/C <0,75), and below the threshold set MKJI 1997 (V/C <0,8).othereffectivenessZoSSbehavioral characteristicsspeedANALISIS EFEKTIFITAS ZONA SELAMAT SEKOLAH (ZoSS) DI SEKOLAH DASAR KOTA PEKANBARUstudent Paper Post Degree