HardilinaHaryaningsih, Sri2015-01-312015-01-312015-01-31978-979-792-332-7wahyu sari yenihttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6699Its difficult to arguethat the Province of West Kalrmantan (WK) is one of thea reasthatexistin producinosrmkein the event ofdrouoh. Combustionis notonlvdoneon the farrr, butalsoinresrdential area~. Enwonmentalclean-upactrvrties done bv the peoplein thedrv season, rs alwavs followedbvcombustronactivitiee. ranqinofromhousehold waste burn toqrassorbush burr Thus srmultanouslv. make smoke become a problemnotonlyfor the peopleof West Kalimantan. butalsofor people rnnerahbonnacountnes. Butthen. the olantatron and forestry sectons consrderedas the marn culpritofthe onset ofthe smokeandbeprolonoedparadox. Notonlv WK whobecameindustrialsmokeintheSoutheastAsian reqion. There are sbllas manv as 13provinceswereequallystrongexistencewithWKrin producingsmoke. There are NAD, North Sumatra, West Sumatra. RiaL. Riau Islands. Banqka Belitunc. Jamb!, South sumatr<, Bengkulu, LampunL South Kalimantar. East Kal1mantanandCentral Kalimantan Existercesmoa. was not onlvdue to theabsence oflocalreoulationson the prohrbition ofburnino. butalsonottouchinq the interests of farmersin developino palm oil that owned bv the people. Whenthe oovernmentissued prohibit burnpolrc;, therndustrialestateswrllobevthat requlation. butnotfor the people. When the local requlation 1s notaccommodatinq the Interests offarmers. theburn1naactrvitv is become a srnartchorcetoreduce the product ron costsand this phenomenon will be occurs along trme and never be ending. In thelocallevel, it turns outthere arepeoplewhodo notapplv thefiresintheirplantationactrvitres. There is acustormonceptsuccessfullv appliedon an onqoinq basisintothe plantationbusinessbva localqrouprn West Kalrmantar. Apparentlv. it could be put as thegoodpracticesoflocalcommunrties,can be developedtolnltiatelndoneslawithoutsmogln the next droughtenThe paradoxhazelandbumbanregulationsPlantation WithoutBurning: The Application of Business ConceptandCommontotheOil PalmPiantation in West KalimantanUR-Proceedings