Dahliati, Julia2012-12-042012-12-042012-12-03yenihttp://hdl.handle.net/123456789/784ABSTRACT Macro and micronutrients needs increase during pregnancy. Inadequate dietary intake during pregnancy can lead to adversely effects for mother and also the fetus. Dietary intake during pregnancy is influenced by knowledge and attitude of pregnant mothers about adequate nutrition during pregnancy. The aim of this study is to determined the influence of counseling on knowledge and attitude of pregnant mothers about the adequate nutrition during pregnancy in working area of Muara Fajar Public Health Center in Rumbai Pesisir Mei 2012. This study is pre eksperiment design with one group pretest-posttest. The samples are 43 pregnant mothers. The instrument of this study is questionnare that is filled twice, before and after counseling. Analysis of the results are carried out using Wilcoxon test. The results showed knowledge of pregnant mothers before nutrition counseling are moderate category (53,5%) and low (46,5%). After counseling, the knowledge of pregnant mothers become good (7,0%), moderate (60,5%) and low (32,6%). The attitude of pregnant mothers before counseling are positive category (25,6%), neutral (65,1%) and negative (9,3%). After counseling, the attitude of pregnant mothers become positive (39,5%), neutral (55,8%) and negative (4,7%). The results showed that there was difference of knowledge after counseling, namely the improvement score of knowledges with the value of p=0,038 and there was not difference of attitude after counseling with the value of p=0,103. The conclusion is the counseling influences on improving pregnant mother’s knowledge and not influence on improving pregnant mother’s attitude about the adequate nutrition during pregnancy in working area of Muara Fajar Public Health Center in Rumbai Pesisir Mei 2012.otherknowledgeattitudeadequate nutition during pregnancycounselingPENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP IBU HAMIL TENTANG KECUKUPAN ZAT GIZI SAAT KEHAMILAN SEBELUM DAN SESUDAH PENYULUHAN DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS MUARA FAJAR RUMBAI PESISIR MEI 2012Article