SATRIA, ANDHIKA2013-08-292013-08-292013-08-29Muchtar Rahmat of Regional Regulation No. 12 Of 1997 on the Establishment of Regional Water Companies Municipal Level II Pekanbaru (Case Study BUMD PDAM Tirta Siak Pekanbaru). This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of Regional Regulation No. 12 Of 1997 on the Establishment of Regional Water Companies Municipal Level II Pekanbaru (Case Study BUMD PDAM Tirta Siak Pekanbaru). This research is descriptive qualitative where data retrieval is done by snowball sampling techniques. The results of this study are not maximal of Regional Regulation No. 12 Of 1997 on the Establishment of Regional Water Companies Municipal Level II Pekanbaru (Case Study BUMD PDAM Tirta Siak Pekanbaru). This is evidenced by not achieving the objectives mandated in the Regional Regulation No. 12 of 1997 so what the expectations in the provision of clean water is the needs of the community for clean water in the city of Pekanbaru has not been reached.otherEvaluationRegulationPDAMMunicipal Level IIEVALUASI PERATURAN DAERAH NOMOR 12 TAHUN 1997 TENTANG PENDIRIAN PERUSAHAAN DAERAH AIR MINUM KOTAMADYA TINGKAT II PEKANBARU (Studi Kasus BUMD PDAM Tirta Siak Kota Pekanbaru)student Paper Post Degree