Sitinjak, Marlina AgustinaIsda, Mayta NovalizaFatonah, Siti2016-01-262016-01-262016-01-26wahyu sari yeni tuber (Typhonium sp.) belongs to Araceae that has a potential as medicinal plant. The propagation of rodent tuber was conducted using vegetative propagation from bulbs. This procedure takes a long periode to produce a large quantity of plant. Therefore, an in vitro propagation using callus culture is necessary to solve this problem. This research aimed to determine the best concentration of 2,4-D and kinetin to induce callus of in vitro leaf rodent tuber explants. The research was conducted at the Laboratory Terpadu of Biology, Faculty of Math and Natural Sciences UR from August 2014 to January 2015. This research used in vitro leaft explants of rodent tuber with MS medium. The design used is Randomize Group Design with 10 treatment i.e. (A) Without treatment (Control), (B) 0.5 mg / L 2.4-D, (C) 1 mg / L 2.4-D, (D) 1.5 mg / L 2.4-D, (E) 0.5 mg / L 2.4-D + 0.3 mg / L kinetin, (F) 1 mg / L 2.4-D + 0.3 mg / L kinetin, (G) of 1.5 mg / L 2,4-D + 0.3 mg / L kinetin, (H) 0.5 mg / L 2.4-D + 0.5 mg / L kinetin, (I) 1 mg / L 2.4-D + 0.5 mg / L kinetin, (J) 1.5 mg / l 2,4-D + 0.5 mg / L kinetin. The results showed that explants could not produce callus, the explants response just a swelling leaf explants and browning in leaf margin because of an injuries. The treatment that could give up to 100% swelling response was 2.4-D mg / L single (0.5 mg / L and 1 mg / L) and the combination treatment (0.5 mg / L 2.4-D + 0.3 mg /L kinetin, 0.5 mg / L 2.4-D + 0.5 mg / L kinetin and 1.5 mg / L 2.4-D + 0.5 mg / L kinetin). The treatments that could maintain 66.67% explants growth was the combination 0.5 mg / L 2.4-D + 0.5 mg / L kinetin and 1 mg /L 2.4-D + 0.5 mg / L kinetinencallusin vitrokinetinrodent tuberINDUKSI KALUS DARI EKSPLAN DAUN IN VITRO KELADI TIKUS (Typhonium sp.) DENGAN PERLAKUAN 2,4-D DAN KINETINstudent Paper Post Degree