Fajriansyah, M. Ilham2013-04-182013-04-182013-04-18sumarnihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/2931This study aims to determine the community structure makrozoobenthos covering types, abundance, diversity, dominance and uniformity makrozoobenthos and to know the content of organic matter in the sediment with an abundance makrozoobenthos Dompas waters. While the benefits of this research are expected to provide basic information in conserving aquatic resources, ecosystems as input for various parties, especially fisheries development planners in business management of Dompas water Bengkalis. The research was conducted in August 2011. Sampling and measurement of water quality parameters conducted in the waters of the village of Bukit Batu subdistrict Dompas Bengkalis, the sample analysis conducted at the Laboratory of Integrated Marine Science Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, University of Riau Pekanbaru. The research used a survey method. Data collected by primary data from measurement of the quality of the environment and field sampling. The stations of observation counted three stations, the first which lies in the area that have mangrove vegetation, second which does not have vegetation of mangroves and the last at the estuary beach of Dompas. A total of makrozoobentos found at the study site are six species and four class. The six species are Crenatula mytiloides, Nereis virens, Portunus latipes, Cardisona camifex, Littorina nebulosan and Rhinoclavis sinensis. Research describing the abundance and diversity of aquatic makrozoobenthos in Bukit Batu Village District Dompas Bengkalis vary at each research station. To obtain a comprehensive picture of the diversity makrozobenthos Dompas waters around this village, it is necessary to study more closely the expanding area of research that includes round Bengkalis Strait.otherStructure CommunityMakrozoobenthosDompasSTRUKTUR KOMUNITAS MAKROZOOBENTHOS DI PERAIRAN DESA DOMPAS KECAMATAN BUKIT BATU KABUPATEN BENGKALISstudent Paper Post Degree