Putri, Annisa2022-08-152022-08-152022-04PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10639The ripeness level of oil palm FFB is one of the important factors that need to be considered in efforts to improve the quality of palm oil. Currently, an optical electronic nose system has been developed which is a development of the ordinary electronic nose system. Optical electronic nose system is widely used to evaluate fruit quality by determining the degree of ripeness. In this study, the optical electronic nose system was designed to characterize the maturity level of oil palm FFB by paying attention to the sensor output voltage at each maturity level fraction. This system utilizes an FDS100 photodiode detector as a sensor and an infrared LED as a light source. The sample used was tenera type of oil palm FFB with 3 variations in maturity level, namely raw (unripe), ripe (ripe), and overripe. The system consists of a sensor chamber which contains an LED and a photodiode, a sample chamber and a simple electronic circuit. The detection process was carried out on the fruit of the oil palm.The output voltage measurement was carried out using the PLX-DAQ program which has been connected to the Arduino Mega 2560 program. The data processing uses a python-based program with a numerical integration method using trapezoidal rules. The area of the trapezoidal region represents the voltage generated by the photodiode. The output voltage on the sensor was processed and further analyzed as a trapezoidal area to obtain the maturity classification results. The results showed that there are significant differences in voltage values from the detection results made by the photodiode sensor for the three maturity fractions. The value of the voltage generated in the overripe sample is higher than that for the ripe sample and the raw sample. The graph shows that the overripe sample has a lower peak. This means that the gas particles produced from the overripe palm sample are more than that for the other palm oil samples. This proves that the optical electronic nose system designed is able to detect the maturity level of the oil palm FFB well.enOptical electronic noseOil Palm FruitRipenessphotodiodeLEDPEMBUATAN SISTEM HIDUNG ELEKTRONIK OPTIK UNTUK MENENTUKAN KEMATANGAN BUAH SAWITArticle