Iswadi2016-02-252016-02-252016-02-251907-0500wahyu sari yeni paper describe correlation between various three phase power transformer winding with wavelet transform based differential relay setting value. The WPT is employed to obtain the characteristics of power transformer fault currents so that the type of faults can be determined. The algorithm is able to distinguish internal faults and normal condition as well as magnetizing inrush. The algorithm is tested for protecting various winding of power transformer. To reach good performance of the algorithm, hence relay setting value should be changed according to power transformer type. For various three phase power transformer winding Y- , Y-Y, - , and, -Y, hence the relay setting value are 12.10-2, 15.10-2, 4.8.10-2 and, 7.10-2 respectively.enWavelet packet transformsthree phase power transformerdifferential protectionmagnetizing inrushrelay setting valueKorelasi Jenis Belitan Trafo Terhadap Nilai Setting Relai Proteksi Differensial Berbasis Transformasi Wavelet PaketUR-Proceedings