Lestari a, Fitri2013-01-162013-01-162013-01-16Wahono.M.Sihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/1452ANALISIS MAKNA IDIOM ANGGOTA TUBUH (KEPALA/MUKA, MULUT, TANGAN) DALAM BAHASA JEPANGANALISIS MAKNA IDIOM ANGGOTA TUBUH (KEPALA/MUKA, MULUT, TANGAN) DALAM BAHASA JEPANG Penulis : Fitri Lestari A1 Anggota : 1. Nana Rahayu2 2. Arza Aibonotika3 Email: fitri_iian@yahoo.co.id, Handphone: 085264106899 ABSTRACT Idiom is a phrase that is often encountered in language usage. The use of idioms in a language heavily influenced by the mindset of the user language itself. This study of the meaning of idioms in Japanese limbs that have equivalent meaning to the idiom of the Indonesian language. The purpose of this study was to find out what Japanese idiom that uses the body as well which has the equivalent meaning to the Indonesia idiom. The method used in this research is the analysis of the data. In analyzing the data, the authors describe the meaning of the idiom every member of the body that has the equivalent meaning to the idiom of the Indonesian language. This study tries to discuss idioms limbs in Japanese that is equivalent to the idiom of the Indonesian language, in addition to equations that arise and the factors influencing these differences.enAnalysis of MeaningIdiomIdiom MeaningAnalisis Makna Idiom Anggota Tubuh (Kepala/Muka, Mulut, Tangan) Dalam Bahasa Jepangstudent Paper Post Degree