Achmad, Said SuhilHamzah, Izham ModhAyub, D2019-05-092019-05-092019-05-09978-623-90242-0-8wahyu sari yeni purpose of this research is to know the level and process of controlling ICT integration in school. This research is necessary because by controlling the integration of ICT in a good school can support an effective school. This research method is built using a mixed approach between qualitative and quantitative research, the research design uses a sequential exploratory strategy. Quantitative data were collected using questionnaires to 100 high school principals in Pekanbaru City, and 5 were selected as respondents for qualitative data collected by interview techniques. Quantitative data analysis technique is done by using descriptive statistics while the qualitative data analysis is done manually. The results show that MIN controlling ICT integration in Schools is between 4.59 to 3.60, indicating the level of control of ICT integration in schools at a "high" level. The majority of respondents agreed that it was necessary to find a solution if the school-community relationship was not in line with national standards; provide an outlet if there are activities that are inconsistent with national school accreditation standards; and formulate school performance in accordance with national school accreditation standards. The way the principal implements the control of Internet usage in schools is by way of making guidelines, in the presence of these guidelines, it can compare actual performance with standards, while also taking corrective action when necessaryenThe ControllingIntegrating ICTSchoolsThe Controlling Of Integrating Ict In SchoolsArticle