Arni, Dewi PutriMahatma, RadithKhairijon2016-01-282016-01-282016-01-28wahyu sari yeni information of meiofauna community structure of mangrove areas in Indonesia is still limited compared to the mangrove area. This study aimed to assess the community structure and abundance of meiofauna in mangrove areas, Desa Bukit Batu and Tanjung Leban, Bengkalis Regency. Samples were collected from plots that ditributed on transect line based on the lowest and highest tide point. Meiofauna abundance in each plot between the two villages were analyzed with ANOVA, while the difference between meiofauna abundance of these two villages was performed by t test. The result indicated that meiofauna which were found at the study site consisted of 5 taxa namely, Nematodes, Copepods, Ostracoda, Olygochaeta and Polychaeta. The average abundance of meiofauna was 31,62 ind/10 cm2. It was also found that Nematodes was the most abundance taxa followed by Copepoda at all villages. One way ANOVA results showed the abundance of meiofauna in each plot was not significantly different (Desa Bukit Batu: Fhit = 0.78, P >0.05 and Desa Tanjung Leban: Fhit = 1.61 (P >0.05). While the abundance of meiofauna between two villages performed by t test was significantly different states (Thit = -4,60 P< 0.05).enBengkalis regencymangrove areameiofaunaSTRUKTUR KOMUNITAS MEIOFAUNA DI KAWASAN MANGROVE DESA BUKIT BATU DAN TANJUNG LEBAN, KABUPATEN BENGKALISstudent Paper Post Degree