Ningsih, Kurnia GustiSalomoU., Lazuardi2013-03-052013-03-052013-03-05Rangga Dwijunanda Putra transfer is commonly found in industry such as the heat transfer between pipe and air in steam pipe and boilers. Heat transfer can be divided into three types that are conduction, convection, and radiation. In this paper, a measurement of heat transfer rate that occurs in water and oil in a pipe based on free convection method is described. Temperature measurement system on the fluid using a k-type thermocouple sensor as inputs is connected to an amplifier was while the output of the circuit is connected to an ADC Card Velleman for data acquisition and read by a personal computer. Thermocouple sensors have been tested and calibrated using an oven, then a linear equation was obtanied based on a function of voltage and temperature to convert the sensor output. Based on four point intervals, sensor temperature changed suit with power various. At the minimum and maximum power variation of each sensor value, the specific heat and the coefficient of thermal heat of the fluid. Were obtained with minimum power 216 watt and maximum power 322.7 watt in fluid water, specific heat value obtained are 4026.11 J/KgoC and 4398.8 J/KgoC. Then thermal coefficient are 1.67 W/m2oC and 1.21 W/m2oC. In the petroleum fluid with the minimum 216 watt and maximum 322.7 watt power, specific heat value obtained are 3230.3 J/KgoC and 3891.9 J/KgoC. Then thermal coefficient are 1.22 W/m2oC and 1.48 W/m2oC. The research shows that the longer time is required for the temperature to reach the steady state with the greater power used on itotherHeat TransferConvection-freefluidThermocouple SensorStudy Laju Perpindahan Panas Konveksi-Bebas Dari Berbagai Fluida Pada Silinder Berongga Berdasarkan Fungsi Jarak dan WaktuOther