Helmi, Niagara2013-01-312013-01-312013-01-31http://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/1825The aim of this study is to get the picture of the factors influence COPD. The design of the research is description, which simply describes the risk factors that lead to COPD. The research was done in the Indrasari hospital in Rengat with 51 respondents . The sampling method was purposive sampling. The research used questionnaire, the research uses Univariate analysis. The results showed that the majority of respondents aged between 30-60 years is 56,9%, the majority of male sex respondents is 90%, the majority of jobs are at risk respondents is 56.8% , the majority respondents smokers is 68%, the majority of cigarettes smoked was <10 cigarettes/day is 31.4%, the majority of respondents had a history of respiratory diseases is 76,5%. Based on the results of the study can be drawn risk factors for COPD in the respondents is age, sex, occupation, smoking, and history of respiratory disease percentage over 50% and are the most likely to be a factor triggering the development of COPD. The recommend from this research for the health workers to provide regarding health education about the risk factors influence COPD to the clien who seek treatment for COPD at the hospital.enCOPDrisk factorsGambaran faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi terjadinya penyakit paru obtruksi kronis (PPOK)Other