Purwonugroho, TaufikYusminiTarumun,Suardi2013-01-262013-01-262013-01-26Arnalishttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/1637Taufik Purwonugroho. Jur. 2012This research is aimed to determine the Net Present Value (NPV), Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net B / C), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of oil palm plantations in the plasma Sari Galuh village, Tapung Kampar District, and to see the plantation resistance against plasma changes in production levels, input prices and output prices. The research was conducted in plasma plantation house Sari Galuh village,Tapung Kampar District of Riau Province. The research was carried out as of March 2012 to August of 2012. This study used survey methods, the population in this study is the oil palm growers plasma PIR-Trans Mojopahit that oil palm has been aged more than 21 years. The results showed maximum production occurs when oil palm trees are at peak production when the plant entered the age of 9-13 years with an average production of 29.010 kg TBS/ha. Acceptance of farmers obtained the highest occurred in 2031 valued at Rp. 162.390.571 with a total production of 26.420 kg of oil palm TBS/ha, while farmers earned the lowest revenue in the first year of crop production in 2018, the amount of revenue that the amount of Rp. 18.548.291. In the first year of production, the NPV is still negative because the farmers still can not cover expenses. Net B / C shows the garden area of 1 hectares of palm oil is beneficial as seen from the Net B / C> 1 or in this calculation is obtained by 7,98. IRR of 39,87% obtained valued at or greater than the discount factor used is 12%. Sensitivity analysis does is to change production levels, input prices and output prices. Limit drop a tolerable level of production amounted to 73,855%, rise in input prices that can be tolerated is 282,485% whereas for the decline in output prices that can be tolerated is under 61,538%.otherFinancial AnalysisPalm Oil PlantationPlasma FarmersAnalisis Kelayakan Peremajaan Usaha Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit Pola Plasma Di Desa Sari Galuh Kecamatan Tapung Kabupaten Kamparstudent Paper Post Degree