Premono, Bambang TejoLestari, Sri2018-09-052018-09-052018-09-05978-602-61361-2-1wahyu sari yeni research is focused on water management practices undertaken by upstream communities based on local knowledge and wisdom. Furthermore, the direct use of water benefit used for community livelihoods will be estimated. The research was conducted in Semendo Darat Ulu Subdistrict where the community holds a culture of traditional water management. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive approach with observation and in-depth discussion on selected respondents. The calculation of water value was done by market value and production value approach. Water as a public good needs a fair and balanced protection and also regulation to meet the needs of the community. Water utilization by Semende community in the research location was intended for household consumption and productive activities for agricultural cultivation. The management of water allocation for household consumption was carried out by BP-SPAMS Luang Saladahan which regulates the use of water for each households. Moreover, the management of water resources that is called Siring Panjang was used for irrigating rice fields. Within the village community, there is an informal structure in water management conducted by Datuk Siring and Menteri Siring. Datuk Siring plays a role in the regulation, supervision and smoothness of agricultural irrigation. While Menteri Siring has a duty to help Datuk Pertanggam in repairing the irrigation channels. The values of direct benefits from water utilization in this region reached Rp3.197.305.000 per year. This number indicated that the value of water resources in this area was very high so that the water and the catchment area must be preserved.endirect use valuelocal wisdomlocal wisdomwater managementPengelolaan Sumberdaya Air Untuk Kelangsungan Penghidupan Masyarakat Di Sub Das Lematang, Provinsi Sumatera SelatanArticle