RusdiyantoCepriadiMaharani,Evy2013-06-252013-06-252013-06-25arnalis purpose of this research is to analyze income UED-SP members Dharma Bakti. The site selection was based because UED-SP Dharma Bakti is one UED-SP which gained honors as Siak in 2009. The research was carried out more or less for 3 months, starting from the beginning of January 2012 until the end of March 2012. The method used in this study is a survey method. While the sampling is done by using purposive sampling. The amount of funds obtained by the respondents on average Rp.11.500.000. Statistical t-test results on the level of α = 5%, obtained t value is smaller than the t table so that Ho accepted and Ha rejected. The results showed Program UED-SP also did not affect the increase in the number of Palm Oil Production (TBS) at the receiver UED-SP program. Total average of palm oil production (TBS) before UED-SP programs is 58.200 kg/year, after UED-SP grogram total average is 56.437 kg/year. This is means that total production decrease of 1.763 kg/year. The age of oil palm plantations respondent has now reached twenty years, such as the condition is thought to be one cause of the low productivity of oil palm plantations. UED-SP program alsocan not affect the increase in operating income communities where the average receiver operating income before UED-SP program is Rp 66,969,492 per year, then after the program UED-SP average decreased to Rp 65,147,008 per year. Means a decline in the average income of 2,7%.otherEmpowermentIncomeUED-SPAnalisis Pendapatan Anggota Ued-Sp Dharma Bakti di Desa Gabung Makmur Kecamatan Kerinci Kanan Kabupaten Siakstudent Paper Post Degree