AndriDjauhari ZulfikarYuniarto Enno2013-06-102013-06-102013-06-10rio andika studies in depth and ability to satisfy the characteristics of the concrete structure service is only focused on structural beams and plates, while the discussion of the ability of our services to the column is still not satisfactorily addressed so that these characteristics are often overlooked by practitioners. This study aims to determine the services ability to respond instantly column uniaxial load with depth parameter column cracked section. This parameter modeling of short columns with concentric load measuring 300 mm x 300 mm which is calculated through the mechanism of force balance internal and external columns and torque balance internal and external columns. External loads is given in stages to the nominal capacity of the column. From the results of calculations, the depth of cracked section 219.2798 mm column height of 300 mm cross-section at zero load, crack depth decreases with increasing load given discrete with a small reduction in the level, and the maximum load limit is the value of a nominal capacity of column 2.380 kN to a depth of cracks approaching 219.2774 mm.otherColumn ServiceabilityColumn CrackMonotonic ConcentricANALISIS KEMAMPU LAYANAN STRUKTUR KOLOM BETON TERHADAP BEBAN MONOTONIK KONSENTRIKstudent Paper Post Degree