Simbolon, Surya Asri2013-07-202013-07-202013-07-20sumarni was conducted to determine the abundance of Butterfly fish (Chaetodontidae) and live coral cover, and to see the comparison of the aboundance of the butterlfy fish among three different station in Beralas Pasir Island regency Bintan in May 2013. Based on the results of the research was found that Chaetodontidae fish species consisted of two genera, three species namely Chaetodon octovactiatus, Chaetodon decussatus, and Chelmon rostratus. Chaetodontidae abundance was found 0.088 ind/m2 with categorized slightly and the percentage of live coral cover of 47.56% which is considered moderate.otherGrounded Island Sandcoral reefsfish ChaetodontidaeANALYSIS OF BUTTERFLY FISH (CHAETODONTIDAE) ABUNDANCE IN THE CORAL REEF ECOSYSTEM IN BERALAS PASIR ISLAND BINTAN REGENCYstudent Paper Post Degree