Sitorus, Desi Pitria2023-06-182023-06-182023-04PerpustakaanElfitra nanorod coatings has been successfully grown on glass slide substrates using a combination of SILAR and CBD method. In this study, the ZnO nanorod coating samples are analyzed for their optical absorption and surface morphology using UV-Vis Spectroscopy and FESEM. The results of the UVVis test shows that the absorption peak of the ZnO coating samples occurred in the ultraviolet wavelength range. The results of the FESEM analysis shows that the geometric shape of the ZnO layer is nanorod with a hexagonal cross section. ZnO nanorod coating samples has the potential to be apply as a selfcleaning material, photocatalyst or solar cell.enZnOLapisanNanorodSILARCBDSTUDI SIFAT OPTIK DAN MORFOLOGI PERMUKAAN LAPISAN NANOROD SENG OKSIDA (ZnO)Article