R, Tessa RahmitaTaufik Hendra2015-12-112015-12-112015-12-11Rio Andikahttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/7634Inventory planning of raw material ready mix concrete is an activity to plan the amount of raw material needs at a particular time of the production process of ready mix concrete. The purpose of this study is to plan raw material requirement and cost of supplies ready mix concrete at the PT. Riau Sarana Beton in 2013 through 2017. The initial steps to plan for supplies of raw materials are analyzed with the SPSS forecasting. After it carried inventory planning of raw materials by using the Q method and the P method. As a research results obtained in each year forecasting that ready mix concrete demand is constantly increasing. In planning the amount of raw material ready mix concrete in 2013 through 2017 is for a number of 129.532.183 kg of Semen Padang, a number of 240.943 m3 of gravel and sand a number of 225.297 m3, so we get the raw material inventory costs are minimal by using Q amounting to Rp 297,737,361,050.otherPlanning inventories of raw materialsready mix concretethe Q methodthe P methodANALISA PERENCANAAN PERSEDIAAN BAHAN BAKU BETON SIAP PAKAI (READY MIX) PADA PT. RIAU SARANA BETON PEKANBARUstudent Paper Post Degree