Fitriansyah, AidilAbdullah, Siti Norul Huda Sheikh2014-05-222014-05-222014-05-22978-602-18936-0-9wahyu sari yeni factor is the most important problem to the farmer nowadays. Even if the farmer already get training and education on how to take care and knowing some paddy desease, but some mistake always hapenned specially in determining paddy desease. Its happen because due to human vision resrictions, and beside that each paddy desease has similar symptoms one to another. The main purpose of this research is to classifying the paddy desease using the imaging prototype. This recearch metodology used the imaging protoype by single threshold method with segmentation in local entropy and image texture analysis. Trough the experiment from 100 data, we found that only 80% data have optimal decision to the paddy deseaseenPaddy diseaseimage processingsingle thresholdLocal EntropyIDENTIFIKASI PENYAKIT TANAMAN PADI BERBASIS PENGOLAHAN CITRAUR-Proceedings