Nopianti, Dewi2012-11-192012-11-192012-11-18Wahono, M.Si Latihan Mendorong Tembok Terhadap Kekuatan Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Pada Tim Bolabasket Putri SMPN 17 PekanbaruPengaruh Latihan Mendorong Tembok Terhadap Kekuatan Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Pada Tim Bolabasket Putri SMPN 17 Pekanbaru Dewi Nopianti1, Drs.Saripin,M.Kes,AIFO2, Zainur,S.Pd3 PENDIDIKAN KEPELATIHAN OLAHRAGA FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN UNIVERSITAS RIAU Abstract This research is experimental research. The research was conducted on basketball's Daughter SMPN 17 Pekanbaru. Data were obtained and collected through the initial test and final test before and after exercise encourages the wall. The data were analyzed descriptively. The results show that the identification problem SMP 17 girls basketball team does not have the power Pekanbaru arm and shoulder muscles are nice. This is due to the lack of exercise that leads to physical exercise as well as training programs that are less systematic and planned. The issues raised in this study is "What are the effects of exercise pushing against the walls of the arm and shoulder muscle strength in girls junior high school basketball team 17 Pekanbaru?" Research hypothesis proposed in this study was "There is the influence of exercise pushing against the walls of muscle strength in the arms and shoulders 17 junior high school girls basketball team Pekanbaru. "This study aimed to determine the effects of exercise pushing against the wall rapid fire arm and shoulder muscle strength in 17 junior high school girls basketball team Pekanbaru. The results of the analysis showed that there was a significant effect of exercise pushing the wall (X) of the arm and shoulder muscle strength (Y) on the girls basketball team SMPN 17 Pekanbaru. Based on the analysis of the t test result of 7.96 and ttabel thitung of 1.796. Means thitung> ttable so it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and H1 accepted. Mean increase 8.83 after tested by t-test shows that thitung greater than ttable, it encourages exercise for 16 times the wall can improve arm and shoulder muscle strength significantly.en-USPromoting Exercise WallArm and Shoulder Muscle Strength.Pengaruh Latihan Mendorong Tembok Terhadap Kekuatan Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Pada Tim Bolabasket Putri SMPN 17 PekanbaruArticle