Ikhsan, MH WahyuA Pedia2015-12-112015-12-112015-12-11Rio Andikahttp://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/7632Children’s hospital is one of the special hospital which is the place and medical care institutions that hold the children specialist medical services, child medical support services, installation services and services on an outpatient basis and hospitalization which has been adapted to the characteristic and the physical and mental state of children. In design of a children’s hospital, the important things that should be considered is hospitalization in children. Hospitalization is a process because of planned or emergency reasons, that requires the children to stay in the hospital get the therapy and treatment until their return back home with a variety of feelings that often appear in children, the anxiety, anger, sadneess, fear and guilt. To solve the problems of hospitalizations in children in needs to performed architectural approach behavior with the concept of a Hierarchy of Human Needs (Hirarki Kebutuhan Manusia) which are the needs of every human being, this requirment consists of physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, ego needs, and honor, as well as the needs of love and cherished.otherChildren’s HospitalBehavioral ArchitectureHierarchy of Human Needs.RUMAH SAKIT ANAK DI PEKANBARU, “ARSITEKTUR BERWAWASAN PERILAKU”student Paper Post Degree