Malik, Usman2022-01-192022-01-192021-07wahyu sari yeni from motor vehicles, factory smoke, cigarettes and dust can affect lung performance and increase the risk of developing respiratory diseases such as asthma, heart disease, and premature birth. The use of masks is part of a series preventive and control measurements that can limit the spread of certain respiratory viral diseases including covid- 19.This research was conducted using an experimental method in which the process of measuring the value of the penetrating power of masks with distance variation and light intensity using a lux meter with the stages of equipment preparation, mask installation, installation of LED, lights for measuring light intensity, connecting pipes and analyzing data.The results showed the attenuation of particle intensity on surgical masks with variations in distance that occurred at a distance of 200 cm. The farther the irradiation distance, the value of the light intensity decreases and weakens. The attenuation of particle intensity on surgical masks with variations in light intensity occurred in studies with 9 Watt lighting power. The smaller the lighting power, the smaller the intensity valueenpollutionmaskintensity valueMODEL MATEMATIKA UNTUK PREDIKSI PELEMAHAN INTENSITAS PARTIKEL OLEH MASKER BEDAH DENGAN VARIASI JARAK DAN INTENSITAS CAHAYAArticle