Suryani, Irma2013-06-202013-06-202013-06-20 Konseling Kelompok Terhadap Sikap Dan Kebiasaan Belajar Siswa Pecandu BlackberryThe purpose of this study is 1) To describe the habit and attitude learn blackberry addiction student of before the implementation of group counseling, 2) To describe the habit and attitude learn blackberry addiction student of after the implementation of group counseling, 3) To determine differences between the habit and attitude learn blackberry addiction student before and after the implementation of the group counseling, 4) to determine the effect of the group counseling to the habit and attitude learn blackberry addiction student. The method used was experimental Quasi with One group pattern: One group pre-test and post-test design. The tool used in collecting the data was a questionnaire. The samples were taken using purposive sampling technique which amounted to 9 people. The data is analyzed using a percentage formula; the "t" test was used to distinguish the habit and attitude learn blackberry addiction student before and after the implementation of the group counseling. From the calculations of the "t" test, it was obtained that the t hitung is greater than ttabel with (2,53 > 2,120 ) at the level of 5%. Which means that in this study,there are differences between the habit and attitude learn blackberry addiction student before and after the application of group counseling. From the calculation of the product moment correlation, it is found that r = 0,55 is the determinant coefficient of r 2 = 0,30. This, it can be seen that the effect of group counseling on the improvement habit and attitude learn blackberry addiction student is 30%. Based on the results of this research, it can be that the improvement habit and attitude learn blackberry addiction student after being given the group counselingen-USHabit And Attitude LearnGroup CounselingPengaruh Konseling Kelompok Terhadap Sikap Dan Kebiasaan Belajar Siswa Pecandu Blackberry Kelas XI SMA Muhammadiyah Satu Pekanbaru Tahun Ajaran 2012-2013student Paper Post Degree