ArzonWardatiWawan2013-01-282013-01-282013-01-28 Jur. 2012Dystrudepts soil has a low of pH and organic matter, it is not eligible for the live of earthworms. It is necessary to give lime and organic matter into the soil by Calopogonium Sp and Asystasia gangetica. This study aims to determine the effect of lime, organic matter and their interactions, and the best treatment on the earthworms live on Dystrudepts soil from palm oil area. Experimental study was conducted using a factorial completely randomized design with two factors treatments and 3 replications. The first factor is the limes with level 0, 10, 20, 30 g/pot and the second factor is the organic matter 50 g/pot Calopogonium Sp and 50 g/pot Asystasia gangetica. The giving of lime increased the amount of juvenile earthworms, amount of cocons and amount of earthworms weight. The interaction between lime and organic matter can increase the amount of juvenile earthworms, amount of cocons and amount of earthworms weight on the treatment with 30 g/pot of lime and 50 g/pot of Calopogonium Sp, but did not increase the amount of adult earthworms. The best treatment for the earthworms live with lime 30 g/pot and 50 g/pot of Calopogonium Sp.otherlimeorganic matterdystrudeptsearthwormsPengaruh Pemberian Kapur Dan Bahan Organik Pada Tanah Dystrudepts Dari Areal Kelapa Sawit Terhadap Perkembangan Cacing Tanah (Pontoscolex corethrurus)student Paper Post Degree