Rahayu, Tia Amelia2023-08-022023-08-022023-05PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/11095Classification of pineapple fruit ripeness using the impedance method has been successfully carried out. In this study, the samples used were pineapple fruits with three different maturity levels. The impedance measurement process was carried out with an excitation voltage source from the National Multi I/O Card PCI 6221 based on LabVIEW software and then injected with alternating current using platinum electrodes that were inserted into the pineapple fruit with frequencies ranging from 10 Hz to 50 kHz and a voltage amplitude of 100 mV. The results show that the impedance value of ripe pineapple fruit is greater than half-ripe and unripe. The impedance value of pineapple fruit at a frequency of 10 kHz is 14923 Ω, 10618 Ω and 7058 Ω for ripe, semi-ripe and unripe pineapple.enPineappleripenesselectrical impedance spectroscopyPENGUKURAN TINGKAT KEMATANGAN BUAH NANAS MENGGUNAKAN METODE IMPEDANSI LISTRIKArticle