Indrawati, IndrawatiRisdayati, Risdayati2019-03-212019-03-212019-03-21978-602-14576-2-7wahyu sari yeni"Batalam" tradition is one part of the traditional Minangkabau society, particularly in Kanagarian Andaleh Luak District Lima Puluh Kota. Batalam tradition is still not contaminated by the values from the outside to these days, and its existence still nurtured by the community. The study, entitled: "Batalam" Tradition Of Minangkabau Indigenous In Kanagarian Andaleh Luak District Lima Puluh Kota has an objective to know the meaning of Batalam tradition for Kanagarian Andaleh community and to analyze public perceptions about implementation of Batalam tradition in Kanagarian Andaleh. The type of this research is considered a qualitative study, therefore the research informants are the public figure consisting of traditional leaders, religious leaders, and others including women and youth leaders who is considered to understand about the meaning and directly involved in implementation of batalam tradition in Kanaagarian Andaleh which use Snowball sampling technique. Batalam as a form of relationship that is bound by reciprocity norm and as social capital. The community has not been aware of it as a tough burden that is difficult to achieve, due to the subsistence ethics is still function and being values which still to be realized. The expectation for the community and public figure in Kanagarian Andaleh is to nurture the positive values which has been internalized in Batalam tradition. For the nomads is needed to be participated to implement batalam tradition as a binding condition with relatives in the hometown. In addition, to be compared with overseas community. For local government, it is expected as ways in attempt to explore the potential of culture to be a cultural icon and needs to be developed its existence, then it can be one of the opportunities in the development of Minangkabau culture and tourism particularly in Limapuluh Kota as well.enBatalamtraditionMinangkabau“Batalam” Tradisi Masyarakat Minang Kabau Di Kanagarian Andaleh Kecamatan Luak Kabupaten Lima Puluh KotaArticle