Arisma, Fauzan2021-08-262021-08-262020-11wahyu sari yeni is one of the most used social media in Indonesia. Instagram is often used by young people and government agencies to upload their activities. One feature on Instagram for uploading is posting. In the posting feature, Instagram users can write their opinions on the post, including the DPR RI Instagram. Instagram users can give both positive and negative opinions on posts made by the DPR RI Instagram account so that it is easy to give aspirations. One way to get information through Instagram is to do sentiment analysis. The algorithm that will be used in this research is Support Vector Machine (SVM). The results of this study found that the average negative opinion each month was greater that is equal to 58.69% compared to positive opinions which only amounted to 41.31%. From the SVM classification results obtained the highest average accuracy obtained by using the Rational Basic Function (RBF) kernel which is equal to 65.87%, and the lowest average accuracy value obtained using the Polynomial kernel which is equal to 57.44%.enDPR RIRBFSentiment AnalysisSupport Vector MachinePolynomialANALISIS SENTIMEN PADA KOMENTAR INSTAGRAM DPR RI MENGGUNAKAN METODE SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINEArticle