Sulaeman, RudiandaManurung, Gulat2014-06-232014-06-232014-06-231858-4209wahyu sari yeni of land and foresf fires that occur each year in areas including Riau in District Pelalawan Regency style that does not cause the loss of a few, both in terms of economy,' ecology, health, and even politics. Man suspected of the act is the biggest event of fire and forest land either intentional or not intentional (negligence). To answer these allegations need to be research on the factors that most dominant in the occurrence of damage due to forest fires, so that in the handling is more targeted. This study aims to find out the factors that caused forest fires and land. The indicators that are the causes of forest t fires and land can be grouped in a number of factors, namely the environment, human activities and socio -economic condition of society. Eased on the regression test decompose into 3 main factors to 15 indicators all have to contribute to forest fires and land with a contribution of 89% and the remaining 11% is determined by other factors. Behavior of people in managing land and the lack of information to the community about the impact of forest fires and land to be the greatest indicator of the occurrence of forest fires and landenFireForestLandIDENTIFIKASI FAKTOR - FAKTOR PENYEBAB KEBAKARAN HUTAN DAN LAHAN DI KECAMATAN LANGGAM KABUPATEN PELALAWANUR-Scientific Work Lecturer