Pangesti, Aulia Binari2025-01-202025-01-202024-01PerpustakaanElfitra article discusses the interactions among two populations consisting of predator and prey with nonlinear prey harvesting and square root functional response. In the observed model, it is shown that the model has three types of equilibrium points, namely the origin point, predator free equilibrium point, and positive equilibrium point. It is also shown that the model has some stability under certain conditions at each equilibrium points. Simulations on the model are carried out to describe the dynamics and stability of the equilibrium point with certain parameters.enPredator-prey modelnonlinear harvestingsquare root functional res- ponsestability analysisANALISIS DINAMIKA MODEL PREDATOR-PREY DENGAN PEMANENAN PREY NONLINEAR DAN RESPON FUNGSIONAL AKAR KUADRATArticle