Ariani, YuniZukhra, Ririn Muthia2015-06-202015-06-202015-06-202406-9175wahyu sari yeni infants have immature body functions. One of the body functions is temperature regulation. Commonly premature infants get hypothermia. Mozart classical music therapy is a kind of therapeutic music which can help healing process in premature infants. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Mozart Classical Music Therapy for premature infants’s body temperature in Perinatology Ward Teluk Kuantan General Hospital. The design of this study was quasy experiment. The number of samples in this study were 30 premature infants which had selected through purposive sampling method and met inclusion criterias. Then the samples were grouped into intervention and control group which each group consist of 15 infants. Intervention group was given Mozart Classical Music therapy during 15 minutes each day for 7 days. This study was analysed with t-test. The result of study showed that infant’s body temperature in intervention group before getting intervention (36,46 ± 0,192) and after (36,88 ± 0,237) with p value 0,000 < 0,05. It means there was difference body temperature before and after getting intervention. Control group who didn’t get intervention had the result before (36,593 ± 0,26) and after (36,40 ± 0,12) with p value 0,119 > 0,05. It means that there was no difference body temperature in control group. Unpaired t test was used to know the difference of premature infant’s body temperature beetwen intervention and control group. This test showed that in intervention group (36,88 ± 0,237) and control group (36,40 ± 0,12) with p value 0,000 < 0,05. It means there was difference premature infant’s body temperature in intervention and control group. The conclusion of this study was Mozart Classical Music Therapy was more effective to stabilize premature infant’s body temperature so that can be suggested to perinatology nurse and parents giving Mozart Classical Music as a therapy for caring premature infant’s body temperature.enbody temperaturemozart classical music therapypremature infantsThe Effectiveness Of Mozart Classical Music Therapy Againts Premature Infant’s Body Temperature In Perinatology Ward, Teluk Kuantan General HospitalUR-Proceedings