Juni, Fransiska2013-06-032013-06-032013-06-03http://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/3531Perbedaan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Yang Mengikuti Pembelajaran Dengan Mengggunakan Media Pembelajaran Microsoft Office Powerpoint Dengan Yang Tidak Mengggunakan Pada Mata Pelajaran EkonomiThis study aims to determine whether there is any difference in learning achievement of students who take l earning to use Microsoft Office Powerpoint instructional media that do not use the economic subjects of class X SMA N2 Duri Saber Bengkalis district. This type of research is experimental research with retrieval data time in October 2012 - December 2012. The population in this study were tenth graders semester academic year 2012/2013, amounting to 374 students and The sample in this study is X.6 class as the experimental class and the control class X.11 class, with each number as many as 34 students. The research instrument is a matter of material preconditions, pretest and posttest to see the difference in student achievement. The analysis used is the Independent Samples Test with a significance level of 5%. Processing data were performed with SPSS version 16.0 for Windows. Obtained data after the end of treatment, where the experimental class were treated learning to use Microsoft Office Powerpoint media, while the control class does not use Microsoft Office Powerpoint media. The results were obtained value of t-arithmetic > t-table (11.25> 1.67). In other words there is a difference in student achievement the following study using Microsoft Office Powerpoint media that do not use the economic subjects in class X SMAN2 Duri. The difference is also evident from the difference in average student achievement on classroom experiments to obtain a higher average is 81.88 while the control class 62.59. Thus expected learning using Microsoft Office Powerpoint media can be one alternative to the learning process improve student achievement in economics class X SMAN2 Durien-USMicrosoft Office Powerpoint MediaStudentsAcademic AchievementPerbedaan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Yang Mengikuti Pembelajaran Dengan Mengggunakan Media Pembelajaran Microsoft Office Powerpoint Dengan Yang Tidak Mengggunakan Pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Kelas X SMAN 2 Duri Kecamatan Mandau Kabupaten Bengkalisstudent Paper Post Degree