Kurniawan, Arifin2024-02-232024-02-232023-11PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/11319This article discusses the optimal second derivative-free iterative method to solve nonlinear equations obtained by approximating the second derivative of the Noor- Noor-Momani method using quadratic and cubic polynomials. Analytically, this iterative method has an order of convergence four and its efficiency index is 1.5874. The computational test shows that the resulting method can be used as an alternative method for solving nonlinear equations.enSecond derivative freeoptimal iterative methodorder of convergencenonlinear equationsMETODE ITERASI BEBAS TURUNAN KEDUA OPTIMAL DENGAN ORDE KONVERGENSI EMPAT UNTUK MENYELESAIKAN PERSAMAAN NONLINEARElfitraArticle