Shadily, MaulanaSyarfiAhmad Adrianto2013-03-202013-03-202013-03-20rio andika oil wastewater is very dangerous if flowing directly to the environment because they have highly pH content, total suspended solid (TSS) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). One of the treatment is combination of anaerob and membrane. The aim of this research are to learn of decreasing pH, COD and TSS in anaerob bioreactor and to learn about the influence of membrane pressure with flux, rejection, pH and TSS at ultrafiltration membrane. Methode of this research consist of microorganism seeding, aclimatitation, start-up and bioreactor operasional, then separation with polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane with pressure variation of 1, 1,2, 1,4 bar. The results of this research showing that for the pressure of 1 bar resulting pH and TSS value are 8,1 and 30 mg/L. For the pressure of 1,2 bar resulting pH and TSS value are 8,1 and 30 mg/L. For the pressure of 1,4 bar resulting pH and TSS value are 8,2 and 0 mg/L. This results showing that the most optimum membrane pressure is 1,2 bar with TSS efficiency 98,01%.otherAnaerob BioreactorCODultrafiltration membranepHTSSKOMBINASI PENGOLAHAN ANAEROB DAN MEMBRAN ULTRAFILTRASI BERBAHAN DASAR POLISULFON UNTUK PROSES PENGOLAHAN LIMBAH CAIR KELAPA SAWITstudent Paper Post Degree