Mulyono, BambangNelviaAmri,Al Ikhsan2013-07-302013-07-302013-07-30Arnalis Mulyono.Jur.2013The research aims to determine the effect of addition ameliorant dregs to the empty bunched of oil palm compost (EBOPC) and natural plant growth regulation for rice growth and production on peatland. The research was conducted on Tanjung Air Hitam village, Kerumutan, Pelalawan-Riau from August 2012–February 2013. The research was arranged in split plot design as environmently design and completely randomized design as the experimentally design. The main plot was consist with 3 levels of plant growth regulation extract of Z1 (banana stump), Z2(bamboo shoots), and Z3 (mixture of both).The subplots were dosage of ameliorant dregs consists of 3 levels F1 (1.25tonnes), F2 (2.5tonnes)and F3 (5tonnes)perhectare. The results showed that the addition of 1.25 tonnes of ameliorant dregs per hectare combined with banana stump tends has tend to increaseof plant height, number of maximum tillers, number of productive tillers, percentage of pithygrain, thousand grain weight and increase pithydry milled grain weight perhectare.otherAmeliorant dregs and compostnatural PGRriceand peatlandPengaruh Penambahan Ameliorian Dregs Pada Kompos Tkks dan Zpt Alami Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Padi (Oryza sativa L) di Lahan Gambutstudent Paper Post Degree