AfrimainiMahatma, RadithKhairijon2016-01-282016-01-282016-01-28wahyu sari yeni on community structure of macrofauna in Indonesian mangrove areas is still limited. The aimed of this research was to assess the community structure and abundance of macrofauna in Tanjung Leban and Bukit Batu, Bengkalis Regency. Sampling of macrofauna was conducted on September 2014. Samples ware collected using corer in 10 plots for each mangrove area with 3 replications on each plot. The result showed that the macrofauna composition was about 1277 individuals consisted of taxa namely Nematoda, Gastropoda, Copepoda, Bivalva, Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, Tardigrada, Insecta, Holothuroidea, Ostracoda dan Syncarida. The total abundance of macrofauna was3347,49 ind/m2. Macrofauna taxa which most dominant in this area research were Nematoda, Gastropoda and Copepoda. ANOVA analysis on each plots showed the result was not significantly different (Tanjung Leban Fhit=0,96; P>0,05, Bukit Batu Fhit=0,86 P>0,05). Test-t analysis on the average abundance of macrofauna between these two mangrove areas wasalso not significantly different (P>0,05).enAbundanceBengkalisMacrofaunaMangroveSTRUKTUR KOMUNITAS MAKROFAUNA DI KAWASAN MANGROVE DESA TANJUNG LEBAN DAN BUKIT BATU, KABUPATEN BENGKALISstudent Paper Post Degree