Shinta, Dewi YudianaSonata, Herix2021-01-202021-01-202019-11-16978-60251349-1-3wahyu sari yeni use of chemical pesticides can cause poisoning and death in humans. Pesticides can pollute the environment, especially water bodies. The impact of using pesticides can cause irritation of the lining of the eyes or skin, disruption of the hormone system, organ failure and death. Chronic poisoning due to exposure to pesticides in the form of abnormalities in blood profiles such as hemoglobin, neutrophils, leukocytes, nervous system and digestive system. The influence of pesticides on hemoglobin levels causes decreased production or increased destruction of red blood cells and makes the formation of methemoglobin in red blood cells causing hemoglobin to become abnormal and unable to carry out its function in delivering oxygen. This study aims to analyze the relationship of pesticide poisoning with hemoglobin levels in chilli farmers. The benefits of this research can be a concern for the community in the use of pesticides. Examination of pepticide levels in the blood is used by the comparator method (comparative glass), and examination of hemoglobin levels using the sahli method. Based on statistical tests, a significant value of 0.0363 means <0.05 means that there is no effect of hemoglobin levels on pepticide levels. But when viewed from hemoglobin levels, there is an influence of hemoglobin levels on pepticide levels in the blood so that that can cause low hemoglobin levels. So it can be concluded that the significant value of the SPSS test cannot be used as a guideline because of the insufficient number of respondents. This research is expected to be one of the references in the use of chemical pesticidesotherPesticide, HbKERACUNAN PEPTISIDA DAN KADAR HEMOGLOBIN PADA PETANI CABEArticle