Putri, Shalsadila Rahmadani2023-05-042023-05-042023-01PerpustakaanElfitrahttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/10971The maman plant (Cleome gynandra L.) is a plant of the Cleome genus, Cleomeceae family. The maman plant is a traditional plant of the Rokan Malay tribe which is often used as traditional medicine and can be processed into a special food called “maman orange” which is commonly found in Rokan Hulu, Rokan Hilir and Kampar Kiri Regencies, Riau Province. This study aims to extract the total DNA of plants. Research methods include total DNA isolation and electrophoresis. The resulting total DNA has a thick, bright band, has length of more than 10,000 bp.enCleome gynandra LDNA isolationelectrophoresismaman planttotal DNAISOLASI DARI DNA DAUN TUMBUHAN MAMAN (Cleome gynandra L.) MENGGUNAKAN GENOMIC DNA MINI KIT (PLANT) GENEAIDArticle