Khairi, FebriaYusuf SyofyanNofrizal2013-06-252013-06-252013-06-25sumarni research was conducted on 26 June – 5 July 2011 at Village Teluk, Kuala Kampar sub district, Pelalawandistrict in Riau Province. This research aims to examine the construction of drift gillnet fishing gear resulting in a drift gillnet new design. The Method used in this research is a survey method is by directly observing FISHING gear drift gillnet used by fishermen at Teluk Village. Characteristics nets studied and the data are compared according to the discussion of literature study that resulted in the design of fishing gear drift gillnet new. From the comparison there are several differences as follows: webbing; mesh size, the number of mesh size (MD and ML), weight and knot nets. Line rigging; structural line as well as the amount of line ris up and strap ris down below. Buoys; Amount buoys and distance installation. Ballast; Amount weights and distances installation. Peluntang; Amount bouys and distance installation.otherConstruction and design of drift gillnetsBay Villagewebbingline riggingfloatweightsbouysANALYSIS OF THE CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN OF FISHING GEAR DRIFT GILLNET ARE USED IN WATERS KUALA KAMPAR, KUALA KAMPAR SUB DISTRICTS, PELALAWAN DISTRICTS RIAU PROVINCEstudent Paper Post Degree