Yustina2014-02-262014-02-262014-02-26978-979-1222-96-9wahyu sari yenihttps://repository.unri.ac.id/handle/123456789/5720This research purpose to respond the teacher’s of Junior High School in Pekanbaru City abaout of the Module Learning Environments. This research has been held on July 2008 until January 2009. Research subject are 75 teacher’s of the first year (semester VII) Junior High Schoolin Pekanbaru. The evaluated first one about “of the Contents” and the second one about “Aplicated Learning “. Data was collected by quationer. Data has been analyzed by description and analysed uses SPSS for windows version 11.5. the validity and realibity valuaties of the contents have Alpha Cronbach (0.725) and aplicated learning proceses Alpha Cronbach (( 0.596). the reasult of this research from indicator of the content with good category about score 4.44 for basic Competency (BC 1), 4.51 for BC 4. For the second indicator the good category about score 4.52 for BC 1, 4.41 for BC 4. The conclution of the contents and aplicated learning proceses of the module environment learning for construktivist aprroach have been good categoriesenModuleLearning Environmentsof the Contents,Aplicated LearningPENILAIAN KANDUNGAN ISI DAN PELAKSANAAN MODUL PEMBELAJARAN LINGKUNGAN HIDUP MELALUI PENDEKATAN KONTRUKTIVISME PADA BIOSAINS UNTUK PENGEMBANGAN BERKELANJUTAN DI SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMAUR-Proceedings