Sukma Putra, Gianjar2013-01-222013-01-222013-01-22wahyu sari yeni’s identification is one of the important test for drowning case. The finding of diatoms on the victim's body is an intravitalitas sign indicating that the victim was still alive at the time of drowning. Knowing the types of diatoms on the victim's body and compare it with diatoms in the waters can estimate the drowning location. This is a descriptive study about the types and abundance of diatoms in Kuantan River at Lubuk Jambi region conducted from May until June 2012. The sample were taken at four stations and identified according to the guidebook by Masaharu (1977), Yungfang (1995) and Sachlan. The calculation of diatom abundance follows the method from APHA (American Public Health Association). This research has identified 10 species of diatom: Asterionella sp, Aulacoseira sp, Navicula sp, sp Fragillaria, Rhizosolenia sp, Synedra sp, sp Tabellaria, Surirella sp, Nitzschia sp and Meridion sp. Total abundance of diatoms in Kuantan River at Lubuk Jambi region is 1825 cells / L. The types with the greatest abundance is Aulacoseira sp with 475 cells / L. The average abundance per station is 456 cells.endiatomsdrowningspeciesKuantan RiverGAMBARAN DIATOM PADA SUNGAI KUANTAN KAWASAN LUBUK JAMBI SEBAGAI PENUNJANG DIAGNOSIS IDENTIFIKASI LOKASI KORBAN MATI TENGGELAMstudent Paper Post Degree