Sitorus, Shabadtini YulianaRisanto, Joko2019-01-312019-01-312019-01-31wahyu sari yeni this time, data can not be separated from our daily life and are the one of the most valueable resources. Sales transaction data of Indomaret are very large, so there is a pile of data that are left out. Even though, the transaction data can produce the important information for Indomaret. Then data mining is used with market basket analysis method to process the transaction data so that it can determine consumer buying patterns. Consumer buying patterns can be used as a reference for marketing strategies. Analysis is using apriori algorithm. From the research result on transaction data of Indomaret Jalan Pertanian Duri from September to November 2018 with minimum support value of 1% and minimum confidence value of 20% resulting four association rules with item combination up to 2-itemset.enApriori AlgorithmConsumer Buying PatternMarket Basket AnalysisPENENTUAN POLA BELI KONSUMEN MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA APRIORI DENGAN MARKET BASKET ANALYSIS PADA INDOMARET CABANG DURIArticle