MubarakHarsanto, PujiGalib, Musrifin2016-04-042016-04-042016-04-04978-602-17943-2-6wahyu sari yeni this study the applicability of the hydrodynamics two-dimensional depth-averaged models is investigated. The simulations consists of two-dimensional, vertically averaged finite element hydrodynamics (RMA2), pollutant transport/water quality (RMA4). A constant and same value of Manning’s coefficient is specified throughout the whole domain for all models. Channel outlet PLTU dimension is 510 m in distance from coastal, and 5 m in width, which bed elevation -1 m and the discharge release 1.566 m3/s. Temperature of PLTU outlet is 34 °C and water temperature of coastal area is around 27 °C. The results from simulation describe that water temperature propagation produces the rising temperature at the area conservation, 0.89 °C at north side and 0.90 °C at South side of channelendimensional depth-averagedpollutantconcentrate distributionMathematical ModelUR-Proceedings