Eka Larasati, Chandrika2013-01-072013-01-072013-01-07sumarnihttp://repository.unri.ac.id:80/handle/123456789/1123The research was conducted on April 2012 around Teluk Kabung waters of West Sumatera. This research was aimed to determine the oil content, the abundance of diatoms and seeing relationships between oil content with abundance of diatoms (Bacillariophyta) in the waters around Teluk Kabung. Based on the results, the highest average value of oil content was obtained at station 4 (0.539 ppm) and the lowest was at station 3 (0.206 ppm). Diatoms were found in the surface waters of Teluk Kabung were 14 species. Chaetoceros castacanei was the species has the highest number of abundances (16 464 cells/l). Number of diatom species abundances were 86.436 cells/l. The relationship between oil content with diatom abundances has strong negative correlation, wich mean increasingly of oil content will decline the abundance of diatoms of Teluk Kabun.otherTeluk KabungoildiatomsHUBUNGAN KANDUNGAN MINYAK DENGAN KELIMPAHAN DIATOM (Bacillariophyta) DI PERAIRAN SEKITAR TELUK KABUNG KOTA PADANG SUMATERA BARATArticle