Khoiri, Muhammad AmrulZuhry, ElzaMuslimin2014-01-232014-01-232014-01-23978-458-597-1wahyu sari yeni objective of this research is to obtain rice varieties which growth and production in favor. The experiment was carried out in Padang Mutung village, Kampar District. The research used Camplete Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 treatments and replications. The rice varieties are Batang Gadis (VI), Invari 6 Jete(V2) and Invari 12 (V3.). Then further test DNMRT of 5% level. Parametev observed are plant height, the number of productive tillers, the panicles appearance, age of harvest, the number of grain per plant, the percentage of full grain, rice dry weight per plot, and I000 grain weight. The result of the research showed that the treatments significantly effected all parameters. Batang Gadis variety shows the best growth and yield (8,99 g/plot) equivalent to 3,97 ton/ha. It is suggested to the farmers of the Padang Mutung village to use Batang Gadis varietas.enricevarietiesyieldTHE YIELD TEST FOR SOME VARIETIES OF SUPERIOR RICE (Oryza sativa.I.) IN PADANG MUTUNG VILLAGE KAMPAR DISTRICTUR-Scientific Work Lecturer