Sumitri2013-01-212013-01-212013-01-21sumarni research was conducted in March 2012 in Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan Dumai Riau Province. The purpose of this study was to determine how big time efficiency of the fish landing versus mooring time fishing boats sondong and the factors that influence it. The method used in this study is a survey method. The results showed that the level of efficiency of a fish landing in Dumai PPI ranged from 17,65% to 60% with an average of 36,57. There are several factors that have a strong and weak on the efficiency of a landing. Some of the factors that have a strong relationship is the size of the ship, age ABK, wasted time, and the speed of loading, while the factors that have weak ties are caught and jety distance to the fish auction place.otherEfficiencyTime Of Fish LandingPPITime Efficiency Of Fish Landing Toward Mooring Time Sondong Fishing Boats In Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan Dumai City Riau Provincestudent Paper Post Degree