Rani, FaisyalFachri, YuliNovita, Ayu2014-05-202014-05-202014-05-20wahyu sari yeni976-602-14576-0-3http://repository.unri.ac.id/xmlui/handle/123456789/6236This research describes the strategy of Indonesia facing Malaysia in the boundaries conflict in Riau Archipelago province. This conflict began in 1961 when Malaysia had independence from English, and then in 2000 conflict between Indonesia and Malaysia happend again. This conflicts about the Sipadan and Ligitan, Ambalat, and conflict in Riau Archipelago waters. The writer collects data from books, encyclopedia, journal, mass media and websites to analyze the strategy of Indonesia facing Malaysia in the boundaries conflict in Riau Archipelago province. The theories applied in this research are strategy theory from John P. Lovell, Security strategy from Lawrance Ziring and national interest concept from Donald. E. Nuchterlain. The research shows that Indonesian Strategies facing Malaysia in the boundaries conflict in Riau Archipelago province are Indonesia increasing militery capabilities, making security treatise with China, and using diplomacy and negotiation ways.enstrategydiplomacynegotiation and national interestSTRATEGI KEBIJAKAN KEAMANAN INDONESIA TERHADAP MALAYSIA DI WILAYAH PERBATASAN PROVINSI KEPULAUAN RIAU TAHUN 2008-2013UR-Proceedings